“I really love that song.” “I’m in love.” “Let’s make love."
There’s a lot of talk about love. But what is it, really?
According to psychologist, the most basic human need is to love and be loved. There is no power greater than love. It can motivate people to do things for others they wouldn’t normally do. Some even give up everything for the sake of the one they love. But if love is such a beautiful thing, so essential to life, why is there is so little of it in the world? Why is there so much hate? The answer is simple. True love is more than a sentimental, gushy feeling. Love is a decision, a choice we each must make. The greatest demonstration of love is to give our life to the person we love. God did that. Even before we were born, he demonstrated his great love for us when he give his only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so we could have forgiveness and eternal life in him. That is what love is. It gives, selflessly, even sacrificially. It unconditionally provides for the one that is loved. This kind of love comes only from God, for God’s very being is love. So when men and women rebel against God by setting up their own value system, rejecting the authority of God, they lose the very source of true love, that is, God. Away from the source, love comes temporary rather than lasting. It becomes selfish and demanding. It seeks what it wants rather than the good of the one that is loved. It takes, rather than gives. But when we connect with God, his love enables us to love others as he loves, even our enemies. We can love others without expecting or demanding anything in return. God’s love gives and forgives. It is constant, dependable, and lasting. It fulfills and it satisfies the deepest need. This kind of love is free and available. We only need to come and connect with God through his son Jesus Christ, and that love will flow freely in and through our hearts to others.
In search of true LOVE…♥♥♥
Rate your answer to 1-3.
1. You see an older couple holding hands. You:
a.) Think, “Wow! They must still love each other after all those years.”
b.) Wonder how they can still be attracted to each other with sagging skin and
grey hair.
c.) Assume they are lonely, so they enjoy hanging out with each other.
2. You think marriage is:
a.) Impossible. Doomed to fail.
b.) The truest expression of love between a man and woman.
c.) A good idea for couples who don’t mind the long-term commitment.
3. When you hear the word “love,” the first thought that pops in your head is:
a.) Sex
b.) A certain guy/girl
c.) God
4. You are told that you are attractive. You think:
a.) Now maybe I will be loved more.
b.) It will help me to be loved some, but looks aren’t everything
c.) I’m thankful, but it doesn’t have anything to do with me being lovable.
So how did you score?
10-12 points – You are definitely a candidate for true and lasting love. Don’t settle for anything less.
7-9 points – You’re headed in the right direction, but there is more to love than you know.
4-6 points – Ouch! Looks like a painful rod ahead. But it’s not too late.
Take the TOUR DE LOVE…♥♥♥
- Box-A. You may be becoming an expert in “not-real-love” or “it’s-all-bout-me-love,” which is not really love at all. It is easy to measure love by outside appearance or social standing. But if you look to the best love there ♥ is, the love God has for us, you will find that God loves you right now, just as you are. In fact, he loves you so much he’s not willing to let you stay the way you are. He wants to help you become an even better you.
- Box-B. You have a mix of thoughts about love. Focus on love being ♥ an action. Love is not just a feeling, it is not something that changes with emotions.
- Box-C. You have a good understanding about love. You know love has to do with commitment, not just feelings. This is great to “know,” but love has to be lived out to be real. So let your thoughts turn ♥ into actions. Remember, most people aren’t used to receiving unconditional love. But even the most skeptical are often won over in time, so don’t give up!
FINISH LINE! Check above to see how you did.
Block-5. Did you go straight up the blue block?
Then jump up to box A. Did you criss-cross
your way up jumping from red to blue?
Then jump up to box B.
Block-5. Did you go straight up the red block?
Then jump up to box C. Did you criss-cross
your way up jumping from red to blue?
Then jump up to box B.
Block-4. Love is not sexual in nature
Yes: jump to red block 5
No: jump to blue block 5
Block-4. Love wants others to succeed
and become all they can be
Yes: jump to red block 5
No: jump to blue block 5
Block-3. Love requires willingness to
surrender your own way for
the sake of the other person
Yes: jump to red block 4
No: jump to blue block 4
Block-3. Love involves going out of
your way to help somebody
Yes: jump to red block 4
No: jump to blue block 4
Block-2. Love means commitment
Yes: jump to red block 3
No: jump to blue block 3
Block-2. Love is completely unselfish
Yes: jump to red block 3
No: jump to blue block 3
Block-1. Love is an action,
Not just a feeling
Yes: jump to red block 2
No: jump to blue block 2
Block-1. Love means trust and
being trustworthy
Yes: jump to red block 2
No: jump to blue block 2
It starts here----------->♥♥♥Love is based on
Physical attraction
Yes: jump to red block 1
No: jump to blue block 1