Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Proud of My Son.....

Yesterday afternoon, when i went home after sending my daughter in school. My co-parent called me and told me that my son is the 4th honor of the class. I am very happy and proud to hear about that information although i have already know that he belongs to the top 10 honor student of the class. I informed my husband about it through text because he stays in a dormitory while having a training in culinary for 2 months. It's company policy for their protection and safety. My husband advised me not to expect too much, i'd better wait on the graduation day so that i will not get upset. So excited on his graduation day, i can climb up the stage to put his medal and congratulate him and give him a tight hug. Because he doesn't want us to hug him anymore, now that he is big and a gentleman already. I never stop reminding my son to study hard and participate in the class & some curricular activities in their school and never feel ashamed if you got mistakes because you will learned a lot from it and that would make you stronger and a better person. Now, he reaps what he sought. Therefore, to my fellow parents never ever get tired of giving advices to our children, restrain them always what is good and bad they are doing for them to know and aware what is wrong and right. Friends, games, lovers can find everywhere but education finds only in school.        

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