"What? Are you kidding?"☺☺☺"What do I have to look forward to?"
HOPE. Having a hard time feeling hopeful about the future? With all the violence, craziness, and uncertainty in the world today, that's understandable. If we have been placed on this earth and left to work it all out on our own we would be in for some serious trouble!
But we're not here on our own. That's why Jesus came. He came to offer us hope, both in this world and the world to come. Jesus promised, the "place" he talks about there is heaven, which is being with God after you die here in earth. Your life in heaven with him will last forever - free from tears and anything that causes fear or pain. Now that's something to look forward to!
That's great, but what about right now? What about tomorrow?
Jesus said that only people who don't know God worry about their future. On the other hand, he promised that for those who get to know him, God himself would see to it that all their needs are met! When you put your hope in him, God promises to live with you today on earth one day in heaven as well. All you need to do to get this kind of hope is to put your trust in him. You take the first step - God will do the rest.
A Decision to Make;
There is a longing inside each of us. It is a longing that no one or nothing in this world can fill. It is a need that God created inside your heart from the very beginning. Only God can show you love lke you've never been shown. God can make you whole, and it begins with a relationship with Jesus. God sent Jesus as our Savior. "Savior" might be a new word for you. A savior is someone who rescues you.
We all need rescuing from the wrong and immoral things we do, which is sin. We all fall short of the standard of holiness set by God. We can try to achieve it by being good, but that is like reaching for the unreachable. It's impossible. We cannot save ourselves. The good news is that God is not waiting around for you to clean yourself up; that is something he will help you with.
God sent Jesus to earth to save us. Jesus took the judgement and punishment we deserve when he died on the cross. Even while we were sinners, Jesus died for us. That's how much he love us. And, came back to life in three days, proving he has all authority, even over death. He was sent by God, and he is with us now, even though we do not see him.
Jesus' part was to take the punishment on the cross. Your part s to believe and act on what Jesus did by admitting your sin, going to him for forgiveness, and asking him to be your Savior, your rescuer. If you are saying "yes" to these things, then tell Jesus. Just turn your mind and hearts to him and talk. If you need help in what to say, you can pray along as yoou read this:
"Jesus, I believe you were sent by God to take the punishment. I deserved and to be my Savior. Please forgive me and free me from my sin. Come into my life and fulfill the longing in my heart that i have had for so long. Guide me to understand and follow your ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. I love you, Jesus. In your name i pray. Amen."
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