Drugs. Pornography. Alcohol. Cigarettes.
At first they seem like the cool thing to do. So you try some, and then some more. And before you know it, what begun for fun has become a "have to have" that seems impossible to shake. It's out of control and you're hooked.
If that describes you (or someone close to you), you don't have an addiction - it has you. The good news is that God never declares any situation hopeless. "There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything."
He can give you friends to talk to, along with teachers, family members, and counselors to help you break your addiction. But he can and wants to do even more than that. He offers to become your source of strength.
Jesus has the power to enable you to break free from the chains of addiction, just like he set free those who were held captive by demons. It starts by establishing a relationship with him.
want to know the TRUTH?
How can separate the facts from fiction about HIV/AIDS?
There are a lot of myths and rumors about this deadly disease, but here are some facts:
- You cannot get HIV/AIDS by drinking from the glass of someone who is infected.
- Hugging someone who is HIV+ does not give the disease.
- You cannot cure HIV/AIDS by having sex with a person who is not infected.
But ...
- You can get HIV/AIDS from having sex with someone who is infected. And without medical tests, you would not know if that person has it or not.
- You can get HIV/AIDS if you were born of an infected parent/parents.
- You can get HIV/AIDS from a blood transfusion if the donor of the blood is infected with the disease.
- You can get HIV/AIDS if you share a needle to inject drugs with someone who is infected.
What if all this scares you? First, you can greatly reduce your risk by not having sex before you are married, even sex that is supposed to be "protected." Second, if you or someone you know has been infected, Jesus is a friend you can count on who offers you hope. When you put your life in his care you find out that no situatiion is ever too difficult for him.
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